Success Stories
Training Mel to Run the West Highland Way
I was training to run/hike the West Highland Way which is over 100 miles in 4.5 days with some challenging terrain. Although I run a couple of times a week, I had never run more than 13 miles and never over 5 consecutive days but I wanted something that would be challenging for me. I worked with Michael at Basingstoke Sports Centre to prepare for this event which was a combination of building strength and endurance.
The routines were varied and used lots of different equipment that was easy to use when training in between my sessions too. My overall strength and muscle definition improved noticeably and although the event was very tiring I felt completely prepared.
The training gave me the motivation to train in between the sessions and the advice on what food and other items to take to look after my body and especially feet was really helpful and probably the reason I got to the end of the journey with only one blister!
Personal Training
Get started with a FREE face to face consultation. From this consultation identifying your goals and targets, existing lifestyle, time availability, and likes and dislikes of exercises and activities a programme will be designed to suit YOU.
OCR Training
MH Active’s Obstacle Course Race Training programmes can cater for beginners who want to take part in their first OCR, through to seasoned racers looking to improve technique or get that added ‘edge’ on their rivals.